Tuesday, February 26, 2019

whats for dinner?

part 1                                                                                                                                                        
 part 3
 part 4

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday post Feb 1, 2019

Info Tech 2019 Hiba
What do you already know?

What do you want to learn?                                                                                                      
 How will computer fit into your future
There's actually quit a few things I know about technology. some thing i do know are Photoshop, editing, and how to work lots of apps.-Some things  I would really like to learn in computers is coding. Another thing I would like to learn is how to Photoshop better then I already do. I don't know  that much of editing either so i would like to improve that as well. Computers will help me in the future because I want to get a job that's computer related. There are many options, but since I was little I've wanted to be a computer engineer, computer designer, video game designer etc...(something along those lines)
Computers can help me with lots of my university work too. creating projects, taking notes, and coding are some useful skills I would need from computes.



how to plant crops video